Enterprise Bank Recognized by SBA NH District

Enterprise Bank was recently recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) NH District as New Hampshire’s Leading Third Party Lender for fiscal year 2023. The award ceremony was held December 11, 2023 at Manchester Historic Association’s Millyard Museum.

Awards were presented by SBA New England and NH District Directors. Enterprise Bank was recognized for long-term commitment to the SBA 504 Loan Program and significant loan volume in 2023.

Dwight Feeney, Enterprise Bank Commercial Lending Manager, SVP, attended the event and received the award on behalf of the Bank. Feeney said, “We highly value our partnership with the SBA and look forward to working together for many years to come.” 

Peter Rayno, Enterprise Bank’s New Hampshire community banking and lending director, EVP, said, “Being recognized by SBA is a tribute to every member of our New Hampshire Team, our lenders, portfolio managers, and commercial lending assistants. We operate in our small but vibrant southern tier of NH and compete with many banks that have a statewide presence. This recognition is an incredible testament to all the hard work done by our team and helps to solidifying our reputation, built over the last 19 years here in the Granite State, of being the ‘go to’ bank for small businesses seeking to grow and prosper.”

Congressman Chris Pappas, Dwight Feeney, Enterprise Bank Commercial Lending Manager, SVP, and Amy Basset, New Hampshire District Director at the U.S. Small Business Administration at the SBA awards ceremony on December 11, 2023. 


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