Don't Be Late. Secure a Great Rate with an Enterprise Bank IRA CD Account.
It's easier than you think!
We're here to help with trusted, friendly service.
Schedule an Appointment to Open an IRA CD
Other attractive rates and terms available.
For IRA Certificate of Deposit accounts with terms of less than 12 months, interest is not compounded and will be paid at maturity. For IRA Certificate of Deposit accounts with terms of 12 months or greater, interest will be compounded and paid monthly.
We offer various Certificate of Deposit (CD) terms. The interest rate is guaranteed for the full term of your deposit and there is no monthly maintenance charge. See our Deposit Interest Rates for details.
A minimum deposit of $500 is required to open a CD with a term of 12 months or greater, and a minimum deposit of $2,500 is required to open a CD with a term of less than 12 months. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal; please review disclosures document at account opening for information on early withdrawal penalties.
*The Annual Percentage Yield (“APY”) is effective 01/10/2025 and available at Enterprise Bank’s 27 branch locations. APY is available for IRA Certificate of Deposit (“CD”) Accounts with a term of 12 months. Rate is guaranteed for the full length of the term. A minimum balance of $500 is required to open the 12-Month CD and to earn the 4.00% APY, with a maximum deposit of $2,000,000 per customer. Offer is for a limited time only, may be withdrawn at any time, and cannot be combined with any other offer. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal from a CD. Interest will be compounded and paid monthly. Fees may reduce earnings on accounts. IRA Certificate of Deposit Accounts are subject to legal requirements and limitations. Please consult your Tax Advisor for specific details.
Additional Information: Terms and Conditions of Your Account Disclosure | Service Charge Schedule